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International Cheetah Day 2021

  /  International Cheetah Day 2021

We know Cheetah as the fastest land mammal on the earth. It is said that when they run at their full speed, their feet only touch the ground once every 6-7 meters. Though one of the most significant parts of the world’s wildlife, Cheetahs are on the verge of extinction. There are only around 8,000 creatures in the wildlife today. According to various studies, the world has lost over 90% of the cheetah population over the past 100 years. Every year 4th December is marked as International Cheetah Day as an opportunity to promote the importance of cheetahs and their conservation.

Dr. Laurie Marker (founder of the Cheetah Conservation Fund) founded this day to honour Khayam, a Cheetah she raised at the wildlife safari in Oregon. The International Cheetah Day encourages citizens on a global basis to assist the fastest animal to get away from the line of extinction. On this day, several fund-raising activities take place to promote this significant cause.

Being the biodiversity hotspot of the country, Karnataka is one of the States that celebrate International Cheetah Day every year with great fervour. The zoos in Karnataka mark this day by displaying Cheetahs. In fact, Mysuru Zoo is the country’s second zoo to display cheetahs to the people. There are three Cheetahs from different parentages in the Mysuru Zoo. They were received from a Cheetah conservation centre in South Africa. Besides this, there are conferences and social events held on this day to spread awareness. You must watch documentaries related to Cheetah, their biological cycle, method of conservation to contribute to this day.

You can also use your social media to reveal your support and assistance to this exceptional cause. This International Cheetah Day, visit the Mysuru Zoo or lend your support through fundraisers and other events to help these living creatures win a war against their extinction. Even your small steps can create huge differences.