Guliyappa, also known as Paddu is a popular dish in South India, known by different names in different states. Paniyaram (Tamil name) and Ponganalu (Telugu name) are other popular names. Guliyappa makes an interesting breakfast item, particularly for kids because of its small size, ball-like shape and vegetable fillings. A pan is specifically available at small and medium sizes to pour the batter into.
Preparation: Guliyappa is made by frying regular dosa batter in a special purpose pan. Chopped onions, vegetables are often added to the batter for enhanced taste. Guliyappa pan has multiple pits or cavities. When batter is poured into these spherical shape cavities and heated, ball shaped Guliyappa is formed.
Guliyappa is often served with coconut chutney and vegetable sambar. Guliyappa is best consumed when it is still hot. A typical plate of Guliyappa consists of 4 to 6 small balls of Guliyappa, making it easy to share among friends.
Also try: Restaurants serving Guliyappa may also be serving Set dose, Neer dose, Mysuru Masala Dose for breakfast. Do not forget to try these delicious breakfast dishes as well.
Where to try Guliyappa: Guliyappa is commonly available in Coastal Karnataka restaurants, during breakfast time. Restaurants in Bengaluru serving Tamil Nadu, Andhra or Coastal Karnataka style food also often serve Guliyappa.